Moisture Measurement and Carbon Capture

Preventing corrosion and compressor damage in CCUS

Moisture Measurement and Carbon Capture

Decisive action is needed if we’re to meet the critical climate targets that have been set. But, although significant steps have been taken to reduce emissions, the rate at which we’re generating CO2 continues to rise inexorably. We need other solutions – such as Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage. Moisture measurement is key to ensuring quality, safety and reliability in CCUS. Michell Instruments’ dew-point analyzers play an important role as they are designed to detect extremely low levels of condensing liquids.

Time is running out. If we’re to meet the critical climate targets set out by many national and international institutions, especially the goal of reaching global net-zero by 2050, then we need to take decisive action now.  But acting rapidly is only part of the challenge.

Slowing and reversing the rate of climate change is a complex process, both scientifically and politically.  Success requires cooperation between disparate and often conflicting regimes, political groups, societies and cultures.  It also depends on cohesive environmental strategies that tackle every aspect of global warming in detail and over a sustained period. 

It’s widely acknowledged that a major part of the problem is the emission of greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide (C02), methane, nitrous dioxide and fluorinated gases – which has increased dramatically since the industrial revolution. 

Although significant steps have been taken in recent decades to reduce emissions, the rate at which we’re generating C02 continues to rise inexorably; and at 80 % of the total emissions it’s by far the greatest contributor to the problem. 

Experts have, rightly, suggested that if we’re struggling to reverse the rise in C02 emissions then we have to find other solutions.  Hence, the rapid growth in Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS). 

The CCUS market is growing at around 14 % per year and is set to reach a projected value of at least $7 billion by 2030, according to analysts Allied Market Research.  These figures are supported by the IEA (Independent Energy Authority), which reports that in 2021 alone over 100 new CCUS facilities were announced.  This represents a doubling over the previous year. 

Growth is being driven by high levels of investment from governments and industry – over $25 million in around 12 months – plus the advent of new removal, capture and sequestration technologies, and a greater ability to convert waste C02 into commercially viable products. 

Carbon Capture and Storage

The majority of Carbon Capture and Storage schemes use depleted underground gas reservoirs.  C02 is captured at source, typically a power station or large industrial process site, and then piped under pressure to a central compressor station.  Here, the pressure is further increased, before the gas is pumped into an empty gas field, normally using existing pipeline infrastructure. 

In the Netherlands, for example, the Porthos project will pump pressurized gas from an onshore compressor station along a 22-km pipeline to a redundant offshore gas platform.  The C02 will then be stored in a depleted gas field in an area of sealed porous sandstone that lies 3 km below the North Sea.  The plan is to capture approximately 2.5 Mton of C02 each year until the field reaches its capacity of 37.0 Mton, at which point it will be sealed permanently. 

The Porthos project is one of many that are either in development or planned in the next few years.  Each represents a significant investment, with a high value infrastructure, especially the network of pipelines and compressor stations.  Clearly, it is critical that these systems operate efficiently and reliably for the life of each project. 

Moisture measurement is key to preventing corrosion

Moisture entrained in the CO2 can be a considerable problem, causing corrosion in steel pipelines with the potential for leaks of gas to atmosphere, and damage to the compressors used to pressurise the gas for transportation and storage. There is also the risk that a reaction between water vapor and CO2 will result in the formation of carbonic acid (H2CO3), which can accelerate the rate of corrosion.  Additionally, if other trace gases are present, such as ammonia or hydrogen sulphide, they may combine with moisture to form aggressive acids. 

Drying or dehydration systems are used to reduce moisture levels.  This equipment is, however, energy intensive, so that moisture dew-point measurement becomes an important technique both to ensure that energy efficiency is optimized and pipelines are protected from corrosion. 

A further issue is the need to agree common principles for measuring impurities in C02.  As a report from the National Physical Laboratory states, ‘More accurate determination of dew-point and the establishment of more reliable thresholds for impurity levels in the CO2 stream would help to de-risk the business case for investment and provide greater confidence in the safe use of pipelines for transport of dense phase C02’. 

Advanced dew-point measurement

A key step in developing a common approach is to use industry-standard instruments, which are capable of producing precise and consistent measurements of trace impurities in C02 gases, at both the compression and transportation stages. 

The latest Michell Instruments’ dew-point analyzers are designed to detect extremely low levels of condensing liquids, including both water and hydrocarbons.  For example, our QMA601 and QMA401 quartz crystal moisture analysers offer fast response to process moisture changes, with integrated automatic calibration functions that ensure optimal long-term accuracy.

These systems incorporate proven sensor technologies, are simple to set up and use, and are used as reference instruments by leading calibration laboratories around the world.  As such, they offer ideal solutions for all organizations involved in the rapidly expanding Carbon Capture and Storage sector. 

Click here to learn more.

With over 40 years of experience in the development of innovative precision instruments, we are the application experts in humidity measurements for all Carbon Capture and Storage applications. If you would like to discuss your requirements, then please contact The Michell Instruments team today.


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