Mursla Bio presents breakthrough liquid biopsy technology for extracellular vesicles in Cell Press

Novel and scalable analysis of extracellular vesicles sub-types detailed in Cell Press’ iScience.

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Cambridge, UK, 3rd June 2024: Mursla Bio is pleased to announce the publication of its latest peer-reviewed paper in iScience, an interdisciplinary journal of the esteemed Cell Press. The paper showcases Mursla Bio’s breakthrough technology for the analysis of extracellular vesicles (EV) sub-types within biofluids such as blood. EVs are important actors in intercellular communication and are set to transform the field of disease diagnostics.

Entitled "An electro-optical platform for the ultrasensitive detection of small extracellular vesicle sub-types and their protein epitope counts", the paper introduces Nano-Extracellular Omics Sensing (NEXOS), a novel and scalable technology which addresses and overcomes previous limitations in the sensitive detection of EV proteins and their quantification.

The unique features of NEXOS enable the exploration of new biological insights in liquid biopsies and are expected to significantly facilitate the adoption of EVs in clinical settings.

Mursla Bio anticipates the publication of additional peer-reviewed papers supporting its clinical study on liver cancer, which is expected to complete later this year.

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