Need some help with publishing?

Cambridge Publishing Management Ltd writes: Sometimes a company will approach us and say, ‘We’d really like to turn our manual into a proper printed book, but we have no idea what’s involved!’ If that sounds familiar, and you’d like to do a little reading on the subject before you take the plunge yourself, we have lots of useful information on our website that might help.

You may not have come across it because it was on a page that didn’t seem relevant to you, but there’s lots to find if you just know where to look.

Ever wondered, ‘How does my document get turned into a book?’ Go to our Downloads page, and check out the Editorial process flowchart. This shows you all the stages your manuscript will go through, and what happens when. It’ll help you realise, for instance, that you need to supply everything that goes into your book (photos, illustrations, etc) right at the beginning of the job, because the pages are laid out quite early on in the process and so we need all the elements up front.

Of course the first thing that you’ll need to do is prepare your manuscript. We’ve got some really useful guidelines to help you knock that document into shape and make everything go much more smoothly. The better state your file is in to begin with, the quicker (and cheaper!) it’ll be for us to work on it. Imagine if every other paragraph was put into a separate text box – it would take us much longer to pick up each piece of text and put it in the correct place on the page. 

And finally, if you’re puzzled by some of the words and phrases used above, head over to our handy Glossary of commonly used publishing terms. Not all of these will relate to your project, but at least you’ll understand what we’re talking about! There’s also a helpful FAQs page that answers a lot of common questions.

If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, it’s always worth rummaging through our website – you never know what you might find!


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