For the third year, PA welcomed applications from year 10 and year 11 students from a range of schools onto their established work experience scheme at the Cambridge Technology Centre. The aim of the work experience scheme was to offer students some insight into technology consultancy, the application process and the job requirements. Each placement was tailored to students’ prior interests to ensure they received the best experience.
The students worked on a real, team project to develop an Internet of Things application from their first client meeting and ideation session through to manufacturing a prototype and writing software, finally presenting their idea to over 40 colleagues. One student said “I very much enjoyed the two weeks and learnt a phenomenal amount of things. I would have loved to have come back over the summer too!”
PA’s work experience coordinator, Cara Cooper, said “It’s important for students to get work experience before their A Level choices so that they can make better educated choices about their future. It is also important for them to experience a real working environment in the industry they are interested in, preferably working on active projects with older colleagues. Colleagues are always very impressed by the skills and contributions that the students are able to make.
"This year two of PA’s first work experience students, Theo Ashcroft and Robert French, will start university, studying Engineering at Cambridge and Durham respectively. We are pleased that their work experience has helped to guide them into a STEM based degree and hope to see them back for internships in the future."
The five work experience students also had a chance to discuss career options with the nine university students on summer internships at PA. These students came from across the UK to work on projects for eight to 12 weeks with a mentor. Students were supported with internal training courses on presentation and consulting skills and given chances to interact with people across the business. Projects were in areas across PA’s expertise including biology, chemistry, software, mechanical engineering, product design and electronics. A number of these students have already accepted offers to join PA after graduation in 2016.
Image: 2015 Intake with their Internet Connected Parcel Protector: L-R: Miranda, Chris, Rohan, Harry, Angus
For more information about work experience placements, and to apply please visit or contact the coordinators at
For more information about PA Consulting Group see the website and for more information about opportunities for university students contact Lewis Turner on or 01763267620.