The PEM Charitable Trust donate to Kings Hedges Guides

thank you card

PEM, Cambridge’s largest independent firm of accountants, tax and business advisers, have donated £500 to Kings Hedges Guides on behalf of The PEM Charitable Trust which will be put towards resources for activities as well as to help subsidise membership for those who can’t afford it.

Kings Hedges Guides are a community of (girls aged 10-14) who create unique and memorable experiences through fun activities to gain confidence and build meaningful relationships as they go into their teenage years.

CSR Coordinator Amy says:

“We are so pleased to be able to help the Kings Hedges Guides with a grant from our PEM Charitable Trust. We can really see how the money will make a difference and are pleased to say this will be the beginning of a great relationship with the group, as some staff are planning to volunteer this year too! The Trust allows us to support our local Cambridge community, particularly causes that are close to the hearts of our staff such as this one.”

On the donation, Angela Reynolds Kings Hedges Guides leader said:

“Thank you so much for the donation, the funding will be used to purchase resources for weekly meetings meaning that we do not have to increase the termly subs, allowing guiding to be accessible to all whilst still offering a wide range of fun and exciting activities.”

The PEM Charitable trust are currently accepting grant applications from Cambridge based charities for donations of up to £2,000. If your organisation would like some extra funding and support, please fill out our grant application form here.

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