The Python Programming (3-6 July) and ScrumMaster Certification (5-7 July) courses are open to all Cambridge Network members, who benefit from the opportunity to participate in high quality training at membership rates. (For some members, training course units are included in membership fees - please check with your HR department.)
Python Programming
Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs.
The three-day course starts with an overview of Python, looking at the language's statements, variable naming and base types, comment, loops and conditional structures, with appropriate comparisons made to other languages. It then goes on to study Python's collections - Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries. Functions, Modules and packages are then covered, as is the use of and creation of data types (objects) in Python.
A short overview of OO principles is included in case any participants only have experience of a structured programming language. This is followed by the "heart" of the course which covers objects ... and dictionaries, strings, files and exceptions as object too. It introduces the development environments and other resources available, and includes practical exercises at test procedures and good code design.
The final modules of the course introduce the practical use of Python in a number of applications, such as online (cgi and Django), XML and database connectivity, graphic user interfaces (Tkinter, wxPython, Qt and GTK) and Data Munging and Systems administration tasks.
Prior programming experience in another language such as Perl, Java, Basic or C is required. If you haven't programmed before, please investigate the 'Learning to program in Python’ course instead.
Find out more about the Python Programming course.
ScrumMaster Certification
Every framework or methodology has a set of rules and processes, but the Scrum method of agile software development includes an individual dedicated to making sure they are followed: the ScrumMaster.
The two-day ScrumMaster Certification course provides attendees with a strong understanding of Scrum’s basic principles and processes. Designed to introduce the fundamentals of Scrum to new practitioners, the course mixes hands-on sprint (the basic unit of development in Scrum) simulation and lecture. Upon completion, attendees are awarded ScrumMaster Certification from the Scrum Alliance.
During this course, attendees will receive an overview of the Scrum framework with particular emphasis on the ScrumMaster role. Topics to be discussed include:
• Scrum’s roles, meetings and artefacts
• Product and sprint backlogs
• Backlog items and user stories
• Acceptance criteria
• Measuring progress and release planning
• Scrum adoption and its pitfalls
Because the course is an introduction to Scrum’s principles and processes, registration is open to all interested parties. It is not a requirement that participants be actively serving as ScrumMasters. The entire Scrum framework is taught, but particular emphasis is placed on the role of the ScrumMaster.
Find out more about the ScrumMaster Certification course.
View the full list of Learning Collaboration courses.
To register for any course, please email the Training Co-ordinator: