Taking children with you on your trip?

The Travel Clinic offers advice for parents of younger travellers.

Your children are even more likely than you to have an illness or an accident while travelling. Like you, they will need to have vaccines against diseases and medicines to prevent malaria and updates on their regular childhood vaccines.

Maleria in children, especially those who have never been in an area of malaria, can make them very sick.  In fact, with the bad type of malaria, a child, or anyone who has never had malaria before, can die in less than 12 hours from their first symptoms.

Injuries and accidents
Be very watchful around traffic & roadways, use car seats and seatbelts whenever possible. You likely will need to bring your car seat with you. The safest place in the car for a child is the middle of the back seat.  Watch your children closely around water because drowning is very common.

Bathe the affected area in cool water or apply a cold compress.  Apply camomile lotion and administer an analgesic such as Paracetamol.  In the case of blistering keep it dry and covered since they may easily become infected.  If sunburn is extensive children may be in danger of losing a lot of body heat and become hypothermic, in this case medical attention should be sought.

Prickly heat
This is particularly a problem in humid countries, as children do not sweat. It is characterised by an itchy sensation under the skin accompanied by a fine red rash and small blisters.  To prevent it, keep in the shade as much as possible and wear cotton.  Drink plenty of fluids and avoid the use of deodorants.  Regular showering and bathing and the use of talcum powder can help prevent this problem.

Cuts, sores and insect bites
These should all be treated with a sterilising solution such as iodine. Wounds should be kept clean and dry to avoid infection, perhaps through the use of a plaster of dressing.

Animal bites
Children should be encouraged to mistrust dogs and other mammals as they may carry rabies and other diseases.  Any bite, scratch or lick from a warm-blooded mammal should be thoroughly cleaned.  If there is any possibility the animal could have been infected with rabies, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Children become dehydrated more quickly than adults.  Lost sugar and salts may be replaced through special powders mixed with boiled water.  These should be purchased in England as they may not be available overseas. Use Oral Rehydration Therapy/Solution.  You can buy this at most pharmacies overseas. Mix as directed with clean water.  Give small amounts, like one teaspoon every 3 to 5 minutes.  Increase amount as tolerated.  If the child vomits start over with small amounts.  Change to regular diet as soon as tolerated.

Severe illness
Severe illness or unable to give adequate fluids. Seek good local healthcare and make sure you have travel insurance.  If your child needs an injection or IV therapy make sure the needle is sterile (Take a new needlepack and first aid kit)



For further advice and a personal consultation tailored to meet your needs email us at enquiries@travelclinic.ltd.uk or phone 01223 367368 for an appointment with one of our highly trained nurse advisors.


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