In Windows 7 the Up button is no longer there. Instead, you can use the breadcrumb trail (from the story of Hansel and Gretel – or “Hans and Grietje” for our Dutch speakers) at the top of every folder window. The trail shows you exactly where you are and allows you to go directly to the location you click on.
Alternatively, you can use the Back and Forward buttons to navigate through locations you’ve recently visited, like you would using an internet browser.
But what if you were a great fan of the Up button to view the folder one level up? (Thanks for the question, Naomi!) Well, simply use a keyboard shortcut.
Here's how:
Hold down the ALT key (next to your spacebar) and press the UP ARROW.
(On a standard keyboard the arrow keys are located between the bit where you type and the numeric pad.)
If you are still using Windows XP, you can view the folder one level up by clicking the Backspace key on your keyboard.
By the way, if you want to find out how to make the best use of Windows 7’s wealth of new and improved features, sign up for the half day session scheduled for the morning of Friday 20 April at the Sun House, Queen Edith's Way, Cambridge. See for full details.
PS I'm committed to sharing the best of what I know with others so please don't keep these tips a secret. If you enjoyed today's tip, please forward it to anyone you feel may benefit or reprint it (with full copyright and subscription information) in your newsletters and message boards. Got a tip to share? Submit it by emailing - if your tip is selected, I'll publish it along with your name; the bragging rights will last a lifetime.
26 March 2012
Karen Roem offers software training and support through her company Roem Ltd. Contact her by email ( or visit her website at