Daniel Stewardson, Digital Marketing Executive for ViewRanger, has just joined the company from London and admits that when it comes to cycling, he is not quite as experienced as some of his colleagues.
“When we read about the Big Bike Ride we were really keen to get involved. We have entered a team to do the gold route, but we are also helping by making the route downloadable to a mobile phone through our ViewRanger app, so it is easy to refer to when cycling.
“What I didn’t quite appreciate is that many of my work-mates are serious outdoors types and cycling is their passion, so I’m going to have to get really fit to keep up with them.”
Based in the St John’s Innovation Centre, ViewRanger is the UK’s leading outdoors app, providing cyclists and walkers with a complete mapping and GPS navigation system to help them when they are out and about.
Daniel is hoping that participants in the ride will also use the Buddy Beacon feature of the ViewRanger app. When activated this will show on the interactive map how far the riders have got. This will allow supporters to track the whereabouts of their friends and family who are taking part and cheer them on.
Having an interactive map on the Cambridge News website will mean that everyone with an active Buddy Beacon will be seen travelling around the course in real time.
“Having someone to meet you at a rest spot is great for boosting morale,” says Daniel.
“If you are doing the ride and activate the Buddy Beacon then it is possible for others to see your progress and know where on the route to support you and it should improve the event for spectators.”
The ViewRanger app is free-to-download for users of Apple, Android or Symbian smart phones, who will be able to see the route overlaid on OpenStreetMaps and OpenCycleMaps.
Once you have installed the App, either use your phone to request the Big Bike Ride via ‘routes’ or register on the computer at myviewranger.com, search for the Cambridge Big Bike Ride and click ‘buy now’ (this won’t cost anything).
There are good cycling routes all over Cambridgeshire, so dedicated cyclists may want to download the more detailed East of England Ordinance Survey mapping to plan and record their training.
Special Offer – Donations to Cambridge News Press Relief
Between now and July 8th, ViewRanger will donate 50p to Cambridge News Press Relief for every £7.50 purchase of the East of England Ordnance Survey map 1:50,000 scale from the in-app store.
Owners of Apple iPhone/iPad, Android or Symbian devices can download the app for free. Alternatively, from the Apple app store there is a £9.99 “Premium” version of the app available, which includes £15 credit for purchasing Ordnance Survey maps at 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 scale.
The Cambridge Big Bike Ride route can be downloaded here
Media contacts
Nina Beadle/ Rachel Holdsworth, PR consultants, Holdsworth Associates, Tel: 01954 202789, email: Nina@holdsworth-associates.co.uk, www.holdsworth-associates.co.uk