Test your memory!

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have launched what could be the world’s biggest ever memory experiment.

Yasemin Yazar, Dr Zara Bergström and Dr Jon Simons from the University of Cambridge’s Department of Experimental Psychology, along with Dr Charles Fernyhough from Durham University, have teamed up with the Guardian to run an online experiment for members of the public to test their memory abilities and find out how they stack up against their friends.
“We’re hoping that thousands of people from all walks of life, and from all over the world, will go to the website and take part,” said Dr Simons, who is leading the research. 

Anybody can participate by clicking http://www.guardian.co.uk/memorystudy  to go to the Guardian experiment website and test their memory abilities for free from the comfort of their own homes.

Read the full story

Image: Brain scan - Patrick Denker from Flickr

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Reproduced courtesy University of Cambridge Office of Communications


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