A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for a new town north of Waterbeach was officially adopted at a Cabinet meeting yesterday (Wednesday).
The document sets out the Council’s aspirations for the new town on and around the former barracks site, which was vacated by the last military unit in 2013.
The SPD contains a vision for the future place, as well as proposing practical details such as where the town and local centres, and important community facilities like schools, parks and open space, will go. The document also sets out the need for the new town to have its own distinct identity and be a good neighbour to the village of Waterbeach and to the historic Denny Abbey to the north.
Several changes were made to the SPD following a recent public consultation. These include alterations to the road layout within the new town, how people will travel within it and how flood risks affecting a small part of the site can be addressed. The needs of horse riders have also been set out in the SPD following the consultation.
The SPD outlines aspirations for the new town to be as environmentally-friendly as possible, and considers factors like how people will move around, with walking and cycling prioritised to reduce the use of private cars. In addition to the relocation of Waterbeach Railway Station, which the Council’s Planning Committee approved last year, this SPD builds on the Local Plan and outlines expectations for other links required, including:
- New public transport and cycle links to Cambridge
- Improvements to A10 junctions which are not dependent on the future plans to dual the road, which are still being developed
- Upgrades to the Milton Interchange
Now it has been adopted, the SPD will provide clear guidance against which planning applications for the new town’s homes and other uses will be assessed.
The Council has received two planning applications that together would form a new town north of Waterbeach. An application from Urban and Civic covers the development of the former barracks to the north of Waterbeach. An application from RLW Estates covers the development of land between the barracks and the railway line. Both applications will be considered by the authority’s Planning Committee.
Deputy Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council and Lead Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, Cllr Aidan Van de Weyer, said: “The adoption of this planning document is a milestone in our aspirations for a thriving new community that is respectful of its surroundings. The SPD also sets out how we expect developers to help address some of the issues with building new homes in this area – such as by improving the A10. This new community should be a place where people enjoy living and can move around easily. Our aim is for communities that are as green as possible where people can genuinely afford to live. We know transport is always right at the top of people’s minds and are committed to working with our local partners, such as the Mayor, Greater Cambridge Partnership and County Council to ensure improvements come forward as new homes are built.”
The report considered by the Council’s Cabinet can be found here