Welcome to the Eddington Number Challenge 2019

How high can you get your Eddington Number? Track how many miles you cycle or walk every day and take part in the Eddington Number Challenge.

The Eddington Number is a way of measuring your cycling and walking progress and mileage. It is the largest number of miles you have cycled or walked on the same number of days.

If you cycle or walk five miles a day for five days, you will have an Eddington Number of five. But if you only cycle or walk one mile a day, you will have an Eddington Number of one whether you cycled for one day or 100 days.

The Eddington Number Challenge will run throughout the summer of 2019. The Challenge aims to encourage people to calculate and improve their Eddington Number.

Whether you’re starting out or speeding off, there is an Eddington Number for everyone. If you are new to cycling, you might try to increase your Eddington Number by one, or if you already cycle or walk a lot you could try to increase it by five.

It is easy to calculate your Eddington Number, simply create an account and off you go!

Get started

There are two ways you can track how many miles you cycle or walk every day:

  1. Using Strava. Strava is a free app that lets you record your cycle routes so you can easily see the distance you have cycled or walked. If you have a Strava account you can use this to easily calculate your Eddington Number.
  2. Manually. If you do not have a Strava account you can manually tell the Eddington Number Calculator how many miles you have cycled each day on the Eddington Number website. To help you do this we have created a Eddington Number tracker printout here, which you can fill in every day.

Don’t forget to share how your Eddington Number Challenge is going on social media! Use the #EddingtonNumber hashtag on Twitter and Instagram, and join the Eddington Number Challenge club within the Strava app.

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