You're not alone: The ever-present voice-over in your life!

Whenever you go about your daily life, remember, a voice-over may be lurking there with you! During a 24 hour period I began monitoring how many times I encountered voice-over being used, writes Lindsay Abbott. The results may surprise you...

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about the surprising presence of audio in business. It wasn't until the other day though, that I realised how many times we encounter voice-over in our everyday lives too. Over a 24 hour period I recalled how many times I encountered voice-over being used. The results may surprise you...

My mobile phone let me down the other day. So, I dialled my network provider's telephone support service. I encountered their interactive voice recognition software (IVR), from which an IVR voice-over spoke, asking me to select options from my touch tone keypad.

They're a little busy at the moment, so I get a voice-over (usually, but always, the same one!) telling me that I may have to wait a while using their on-hold system, Cue an intermittent voice and some calming music, until I elect to select a call back option, which works well.

Sadly, the phone still won't work after help from their technical team, so I venture to my local mobile phone shop the next day. Result! Not only this, but whilst I'm waiting to be served, I take a look at the new iPad they have on display. On the demonstration model, it features a children's interactive story app. For that same company, I've recently voiced their latest children’s apps.

I continue my shopping escapade, and hear one of my colleagues voicing an in-store radio commercial coming over the loudspeakers. It’s always a bit surreal when that happens for me, but quite comforting, and I give a wry smile.

Later that day, I drive to the supermarket. All is going well, until I get to the checkout and use the self-service automated system. Embarrassingly, the female voice-over tells me that I have an 'unexpected item in bagging area', and is reminding me of this, with increasing regularity, until I's my own handbag. How annoying. I even find myself muttering an unmentionable response in irritation, but it was gratifying to know that she couldn’t answer back ;>).

Driving home, I turn on the radio and hear one of my own commercials that I'd voiced for a radio station.

All is well, we're home...just in time to put feet up and glance at a bit of TV...another familiar voice comes on in the commercial break...One of my colleagues voicing a commercial. I chuckle… ;>).

Can't help but take a peek at The X Factor, to see if Gary Barlow's feud with Louis Walsh continues...And before I know it, that familiar Voice of God voice-over, Peter Dickson, is announcing the next act...

During that 24 hour period I encountered no less than eight different types of voice-over... In my case, two of them I had either voiced, or had a direct connection with.  How many can you count during the same period?

So, whenever you go about your business, remember, you may not be alone…a voice-over may be lurking there with you, just waiting to help… ;>)

If you're looking for a voice-over for your next project, why not get in touch!


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