Summer holidays - a time to think about and try something new?
(Image removed)A place and a time for reflection....July and August are a strange couple of months with colleagues going and coming back from holiday. Work can become fragmented as a consequence, but it can also be a very energising time with a bit of peace and quiet to think about and try something new.
RiverRhee Consulting writes: We've been doing a bit of the latter, so that I'm using this relatively short newsletter to share some of our thinking about potential new courses and see if any of them might appeal to you. I've also listed the courses that we have scheduled for the Autumn in case you would like to sign up for one of those.
Potential new courses
One of the ways in which we have been developing our thinking is in discussion with other organisations. So for instance:
RiverRhee, which delivers the Introduction to Management, and Supervisor Training (and other) courses, and Perla Development, which delivers the Leading Virtual Teams course, are considering offering two new courses, and would like to gauge your interest in these.
Open Innovation from a Biotech or CRO perspective
Are you considering or already engaged in a collaborative working relationship with Pharma, the NHS, Academia and others? Would you like some guidance on how to do this more effectively? RiverRhee is considering putting together a one- to two- day course to explore the challenges and opportunities of collaboration in an Open Innovation environment.
Topics could include:
• What is Open Innovation, why do it? Developing a definition for your organisation
• Exploring case studies from other organisations
• Developing a strategy / roadmap for your organisation
• Identifying and addressing challenges, best practices and opportunities (organisational, cultural, technological, IP etc.)
• Developing individual action plans
Trainers and facilitators would include subject matter experts with direct experience of the various aspects of the course. Please contact Elisabeth Goodman (, 07876 130 817) if you would be interested in participating as a delegate, or as a trainer/facilitator.
Management Development Workshop - deepening your management skills
Have you had some training in, or experience of, management and would like to explore ways to deepen your skills? Would you like to understand your strengths and potential blind spots better and use them to greater effect in your interaction with others?
As a manager and leader in your organisation it’s sometimes hard to deliver your team goals effectively. Successfully getting work done through others, effecting the change you want to make and influencing those above you takes self-awareness, self-management and an ability to maintain effective working relationships – the core elements of Emotional Intelligence.
"The rules for work are changing. We’re being judged by a new yard-stick: not just by how smart we are, or by our training and expertise, but also by how well we handle ourselves and each other” – Daniel Goleman: Working with Emotional Intelligence
Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator as a platform for considering your work style, this half day workshop would create new insights on how to build on your natural style as a manager and work on steps to help you interact more effectively with others.
Have you recently attended the RiverRhee Introduction to Management or Supervisor Training courses, or have you been a manager for a while now and want to make a step change in your performance?
Do get in touch with either Elisabeth Goodman (, 07876 130 817), or Liz Mercer (, 07825 229686).
The workshop could also be run within a single organisation for a group of interested managers.
Are you experiencing anxiety as the result of change in the workplace? Is this affecting the quality of your work, or preventing you from achieving your targets? Would you like to be feeling calm and in control of any change in your workplace?
Managing and Dealing with Change
RiverRhee already runs a full-day course on Managing Change for business leaders, project managers and line managers which draws on a full range of behavioural and procedural concepts and techniques in a participative and practical way, to equip participants with the necessary skills and tools for effective business change.
If you are looking for something that will go deeper, and feel that you would like to address the anxiety that is affecting your ability to deliver, you may be interested in our proposed additional half-day course on Dealing with change. The course, which will also be available in-house and on a one-to-one basis, will help you to:
- Understand the nature, root cause and triggers of your anxious responses to change
- Access resources and solutions that will help you to address that anxiety
- Begin to practise and embed your new responses to change
If you would like to enquire about our new Dealing with change course, please get in touch with Elisabeth Goodman (, 07876 130 817).
Other courses available to you in the Autumn
We've been getting some wonderful feedback on our courses, and recently included the following testimonials in the publicity that we circulated for an exhibition stand at the Babraham Research Campus in Cambridge.
"The two trainers were brilliant. Very knowledgeable, fun, engaging and I would recommend this course to any managers."
"The atmosphere of the course was fantastic and the course content covered all the areas I needed help on. The one-to-one coaching session was especially helpful."
“I thoroughly enjoyed the course, certainly an eye-opener – both trainers incredibly knowledgeable and very easy to listen to!! Thank you! P.S. Will highly recommend.”
If you would like to access similarly positive experiences, then you might like to consider one of our courses that have been scheduled for the Autumn - details of which are available through the RiverRhee Consulting website.
- Introduction to Management (3-day course) - 22nd – 24th September **This is now fully booked but do get in touch if you would like to attend one of our future courses**
- Managing Change (1-day course) - 12th October
- Introduction to Lean and Six Sigma (1-day course) - 2nd November
Other courses that are available on demand include:
- Building Highly Effective Teams
- Supervisor Training
- Conducting Effective Performance Reviews and Appraisals
- Effective Project Planning and Management
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
- Belbin Team Roles
Happy Holidays if you are just about to go - welcome back and we hope you are feeling refreshed if you have just come back!
About RiverRhee Consulting
RiverRhee Consulting has been delivering training, mainly in the form of workshops, and coaching since 2009.
Subject areas include:
- Supervisor and management skills.
- Team building & effectiveness.
- Operational excellence (Lean and Six Sigma).
- Change management.
- Project management.
- Knowledge management.
We are training providers for several library and information groups such as CILIP, Aslib, TFPL. Discounts are available for One Nucleus members, and through the Cogent Skills, Skills for Growth programme.
Do get in touch if you would like to find out more about RiverRhee Consulting, our range of off-site and in-house workshops, and how we can help you to create exceptional managers and teams in 2015 and beyond.