Start Ups
Master Your Business Finances - Online Workshop ( September Edition)
Are you worried about not "Uncovering Your Unknowns"? Then this free workshop is for you. ...
Transforming Healthcare: Navigating medical device regulations for startup success
In this episode we dive into medical device regulations with Sam Shelley, Quality Manager Consultant. Sam sheds light on the the hurdles startups encounter when implementing Quality Management Systems (QMS) and ensuring their regulatory processes align with product development. ...
Master Your Business Finances - Online Workshop
Are you worried about not "Uncovering Your Unknowns"? Then this free workshop is for you. ...
Come along to Allia's Community Days
Join us! We’d like to invite you to our lively Community Days at our Cambridge and Peterborough centres. These events are a fantastic opportunity to connect with Allia alumni, tenants, and like-minded people. Share experiences, uncover new opportunities, and reconnect with...
Introduction to Managing Life Science Projects
Audience People newly appointed as Project Managers, Service Organisation Account Managers, or science/technical staff who need to add the management of a project to their current role. Also, it will help people who contribute to projects to understand what is invol...
Biological Safety: Management and Practice (IOSH Approved) 2 day course
Audience The course is predominantly aimed at those fairly new to the role and mostly focuses on work at ACDP containment levels 1 and 2 and work with GMOs. However, experienced BSO will also benefit from the course. Duration A two day course. ...
Laboratory Health and Safety
Audience Laboratory safety representatives or laboratory workers. Duration A one day course. ...
Introduction to Drug Discovery: From Idea to Clinical Candidate
Audience Course attendees have included: Biologists, Chemists, Molecular Biologists, IT Specialists, Project Managers, General Managers, Commercial Managers, Tech. Transfer Specialists, Fund Managers and Patent Lawyers Duration A one day course. ...
BLSA SIG: Embracing Efficiency - The Path to a Greener Business
Following on from our Building Life Science Adventures (BLSA) conference series, we are delighted to be continuing those conversations with a new BLSA Special Interest Group (BLSA SIG). This will be a series of shorter seminars/workshops to deliver valuable advice an...
Co-Labs at Cambridge at Cambridge Tech Week
Co-labs by journey will be hosting a Fringe Event as part of the wider Cambridge Tech Week. Please come and join our team for some drinks, a tour of our incubator and a chance to learn about the ingredients to help you build your venture! ...