2021: Time to harness our strengths

By Cambridge NetworkAt a time when there continues to be so many drains on our energy, deliberately drawing on our strengths can be a powerful way to re-energise us, re-build confidence and boost our resilience.  This is true both personally and professionally.

rope with knot in it_ Image by Engin_Akyurt on Pixabay.

Research shows that strengths-based approaches can measurably increase engagement and effectiveness – as well as improving teamwork.

You may be thinking:

  • “I’d like to find a new way to develop my team and help us work together more effectively.”

  • “How can I energise my team members and play to their strengths?”

  • “How might playing to my own strengths help me to be effective and energised?”

Thinking creatively about how we apply our strengths, perhaps in new ways or different circumstances, could be a great way to help sustain levels of energy and performance in 2021.

Learn how to adopt a strengths-based approach in the development of yourself and your teams at Cambridge Network’s upcoming online course:

Harnessing Strengths in the Workplace – 6th April


Image by Engin_Akyurt on Pixabay.