Making it in the media

Appearing in the media is probably the best advertising you can get, but you need to know how to handle journalists to ensure the right results. That’s why Cambridge Network offers media training from a former BBC news correspondent, Simon Hall, who writes here of a recent course he ran for one of Cambridge Network's members.

Simon Hall

Simon writes:

I may be a classic case of poacher turned gamekeeper, but I delight in how much I can help our brilliant businesses build a media profile.

I’ve just finished a day training a senior leader from an important local organisation.

Forgive us not saying who or what: we always respect privacy.

But what I can tell you is how well it went.

The executive was new to the role, and had very limited media experience, so we started from basics.

That includes how journalists see a story, and what they need from you as a good interviewee.

Then it was then into the heart of the experience, real on-camera interviews. And plenty of them, because there’s no substitute for learning by doing. 

For maximum value for the executive, we based the interviews on real life stories that could affect their business, often generated from press releases they have sent out.

It’s also far from an easy ride, because that’s the way of real-life media.

We build up from a gentle interview style to a full on hostile interrogation, full of challenges and interruptions, with reviews and analysis after each interview. 

In terms of content, we cover everything from how to answer questions in an interesting way that gets across the message you want to send, to tricks for making your words linger in the mind of an audience. 

We reveal the classic trap questions that journalists love, dirty tricks of the trade, the importance of body language in the media, and even what to wear, and very much what not to wear.

Sorry to be superficial, but image is critical on camera.

It’s an intensive day, but always an effective and rewarding one.

And don’t just take it from me. Here’s a testimonial from the executive I’ve just trained:

The training was incredibly helpful. I now have much more confidence in dealing with the media.

The course was comprehensive, telling me everything I needed to know, and it was delivered with real authority, but also warmth and friendliness. I felt supported all the way through, even when having to face hostile interview scenarios. 

I’m now feeling ready to deal with whatever journalists throw at me, I know I can portray exactly the image of my organisation that I want, and I’m very grateful for the support.

If you'd like to find out more about media training and how we could help, contact