The power of relationships: how connections can help your business thrive

By John Gourd, CEO - Cambridge Network


I’ve spent a few days reflecting on the networking event Cambridge Network co-hosted with our friends from CFPro and NOTWICs – such was the interest in the event that it was a sell-out and meant that quite a few of us were left to stand at the back.

For any event to be a sell-out, the topic (in this case a discussion about Scaling and Investment Trends) has to be attractive, as this was, with engaging and knowledgeable speakers, which this had.

But my thoughts, on the way home, were focussed on the discussions that went on before and after the event – the networking, which I guess shouldn’t be a surprise (given my role) – and why, as we face economic headwinds, it’s even more vital than ever to get out and meet other people.

Fundamentally, what might have seemed very normal three years ago, 80 people attending an event in-person, fills me with joy and is a poignant reminder of what we’ve experienced over the past few years.

But why does networking work so well and why is it important to our members – here are some thoughts, in no particular order;

  • Let’s get the maths out of the way – the 80 people in the room have the capacity, time allowing, to have formed a potential 3,160 one-to-one connections (80C2) – just think how many relationship could be formed in one evening? Could there ever be a more cost-effective business development opportunity?
  • Around the room were a large number of super-connectors, possibly one of Cambridge’s greatest creations – you can see them at work, meeting strangers (who are often hovering on the edge of an existing conversation), welcoming them in, quickly assessing how they can help them, leading them across the room and making introductions to fellow attendees who might just have the answer to a problem
  • Conversations full of smiles, laughter and warmth – a vibrant hum of conversation across the whole room
  • Three-, four- five-way conversations coalescing around a topic of interest
  • How non-verbal communications and non-business (personal) discussions play in conversations, vital for building long-lasting relationships
  • Finally, the reassuring sight of good, old-fashioned, business cards being exchanged

Zoom and Teams are here to stay – but nothing will beat the joy of meeting people face to face.

So please make the most of your membership and join us at one of our forthcoming events (listed here) – it might just be the best investment of an hour of your time you’ve ever made!