Let's Talk Celebrating Different Minds

Continuing with neurobox's week-long Let's Talk sessions for Neurodiversity Celebration Week, join Donna Stevenson and Sam Rapp dyslexic poet and fun with words productions, for a deep-dive into this year's theme, "Celebrating Different Minds".

Let's Talk celebrating different minds with host, Donna Stevenson from neurobox and guest Sam Rapp.

Donna sits down with Sam Rapp, The Dyslexic Poet! 

Together, Donna and Sam discuss some of Sam's lived experiences living with her neurodifferences and look at this year's theme, "Celebrating Different Minds", and what this means to her.

Sam will share her journey so far with dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, and how her neurodifferences have manifested in positive ways as a creative person.

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