Take charge and play to your strengths with Emma Williams, aka The Nerd Coach - Trainer. Coach. Author. Coffee Lover at EJW Solutions this 24th January 2023.
By the end of the workshop attendees would:
- Understand what portfolio careers are
- Build confidence and awareness that a career in STEMM does not need to follow a particular career ladder
- Gain tips on how to get started in approaching complementary activities using their STEMM education/experience and considerations on how to best approach ‘less conventional’ career steps
Join us on the 24th January 2023 at the Maxwell Centre to learn tips to take a renewed approach to your career path and network with other local like-minded professionals.
Part of the ‘A guilt-free approach to your career’ CamAWiSE Series, stay tuned for updates on the series.
We look forward to seeing you there.