Safeguarding under 18s in Higher Education

Pembroke College Short Courses: Safeguarding over 18s in Higher Education

Pembroke short courses

All schools, colleges and HE institutions have a requirement to keep adults safe and this is defined as any person over the age of 18.

This course will explore the challenges of safeguarding adults in Higher Education; and look at the responsibility for HE institutions to maintain a safe and supported environment for students, offering tips on how this can be achieved. It will include elements of compliance, with the OfS expectation to reduce (and eliminate) sexual misconduct and harrassment; and an exploration of the cross over of safeguarding with the Prevent Duty.

At the end of this course, you will receive a certificate that will fulfill the safeguarding compliance requirements for inspection purposes.


Date: Tuesday 21 January 2025

Time: 9.00am - 11.00am

Venue: Pembroke College, Cambridge, CB2 1RF

The Trainer

This course will be delivered by Welfare Way, who are specialists in welfare, safeguarding and compliance training. It is aligned to the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 guidance.

Aimed at

This 2 hour seminar assumes a basic understanding of safeguarding. It is ideal for admissions, tutorial departments etc


£99+VAT per person, including refreshments

To book

Email or call 01223 764577

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