Training with Cambridge Network

Enhance your skills and advance your career with Cambridge Network's training courses. We specialise in soft skills workshops, management development programmes and technical training. Designed for professionals at all levels, our courses provide practical knowledge and tools to help you succeed.

Why use us for training?

High quality approved trainers

Our experienced trainers and facilitators come from various industry backgrounds, giving us an excellent pool of resources and experience when developing our courses. We aim to match you with the ideal facilitator, helping to deliver optimised learning outcomes.

Community support and advice

We offer consultative learning services and needs analysis, so whether you want to develop your people strategy, ensure the success of an important project, or you’re feeling the strain of a significant organisational change, our team of accomplished experts are on hand to help.

Value for money

Benefit from competitive rates with discounts for members on all training – Cambridge Network members get a 33% discount on all our open course bookings.

You can book:

  • individual places on shared, open courses
  • any course from our list of programmes to run in-house for a group of learners
  • a bespoke, in-house training programme, designed and delivered to meet your organisations specific learning needs

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