US Made Easy “A Tale of Green Cities”

Part of our Internationalisation SIG, US Made Easy is a Tale of Green Cities. This event will focus on Boston & Philadelphia.

‘The USA made easy - learn from the best on how to do business in the US. A no better way than this free webinar to get practical and pragmatic help on what are the most critical steps to consider when setting up in the USA or simply to improve on what you are currently doing in the US. Make great connections through the webinar and take full advantage of the concierge match making service’
- Dr Frank Levene, Principal, Blue Link Worldwide.

What to expect?
We virtually travel to 2 Green Cities in the USA, Boston and Philadelphia, to learn about the opportunities available for cleantech and Climate Tech companies. This aim is to give you a better understanding on how to establish, grow and streamline your US business activity. Join this webinar to learn more about what you need to know and plan for in your US expansion and tools you can leverage.

Is this event for you?

This event is open to anyone who is considering expanding their business into the USA.

Cambridge Cleantech is a leading membership organisation that is connecting people for a smarter more sustainable future. We provide commercial support to companies that are driving the development of goods and services in response to global sustainability challenges.

Blue Link Worldwide gives you direct access to the right independent advisors and partners to successfully enter the USA. We take out the hassle and support you every step of the way for sustainable success. A trusted, experienced team to assist you through your USA journey.

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