Cambridge Network events help you to cope with change

“Change is the only constant,” as a Greek philosopher once said. Change is everywhere and our working lives are no exception. To help us learn to adapt, three different aspects of change are the focus of Cambridge Network talks this month.

Chameleon illustration/ Image by Анна Куликова from Pixabay

Our offices may have changed because of the pandemic  – we may no longer have our own desks if we’re moving to hybrid working; our hours may be different and we may even have new colleagues. How do you cope with these changes and learn to become more adaptable? How do managers manage effectively?

How do teams stay cohesive? How can bosses help us to manage our work / life balance better or know when to adapt their business? Often the default reaction is to resist change first, ask questions later.

You or colleagues may also be dealing with difficult menopausal symptoms, so it’s important for those around them to understand this condition.

Three upcoming webinars tackle these issues head-on:

1. Managing the menopause at work has become a hot topic. With women over 50 being the fastest growing demographic in the workplace businesses who support women at menopause can achieve improved performance, better retention of female staff and an enhanced reputation as a good employer. Lesley (Network Design), Pat (Women’s health strategist and award-winning author), Sharon (Kameo Recruitment) and Maggie (Cambridge Personal Fitness) will share some practical steps employers and employees can take to support women colleagues.

Managing menopause wellbeing in the workplace

Tuesday 16th November (9.30-10.45am)





2. How are you currently navigating the return to the ‘office’? Is your workplace trying to get back to normal or have you embraced an ongoing hybrid working approach for everyone? How can you manage the diverse needs, expectations and desires of workers? Join Lizzie (COEL) and Kelly (Talent Glue) to hear about their recent workplace survey. This talk and discussion will share the results and recommend ways of facing our anxieties.

How are you doing with managing the new way we work?
Tuesday 23rd November (9.30 – 11am)

3. How to become adaptable in the face of change? The world is becoming increasingly unpredictable but most people’s reaction to change is to resist first, ask questions later. Research shows that adaptability is the most valuable skill in growing revenue and ROI. Yet it is the skill that organisations possess the least. Join this session with Rich Alderton to learn how to become more adaptable.How to become more adaptable in the face of change
Thursday 25th November (12 noon – 1.30pm)

These online sessions should help you to understand your own reactions to change, whether you’re an employer, CEO, manager or employee. They’ll show you how to help others in changing situations, including those that you may not be familiar with. Understanding your own motivations and those of others can help you to get the best out of your working life.

Free to Cambridge Network members. If you’d like to attend, please email or sign up online at the links above.

Image by Анна Куликова from Pixabay

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