Celebrations for International Women in Engineering day continue with a visit from Cambridge Girl Guides

Cambridge 38th Guides and 29th Brownies visit Springboard to celebrate INWED:

The girls had a brief tour of our facilities, and got to see hands-on demonstrations of some of Springboard’s testing and prototyping techniques, including drop tests and tension testing.

After the girls had tried out the testing facilities, they moved on to some design work: we asked them to build a bridge over a river, with some requirements:

  • The bridge must be made of lego
  • The bridge must allow the boat “Legolas” to pass underneath it
  • The bridge must not obstruct low-flying aircraft from the local airport

The girls rose to the challenge, working in small teams and quickly building a wide range of styles of bridge. Once complete, each bridge was tested to see whether it met the requirements and how much weight it could carry.

 It was great to see the girls get stuck in with the challenges, and so excited to learn about our engineering processes. Hopefully we’ve inspired a few more engineers for the future! Do you have a budding engineer looking for a work placement?

Contact us to find out more. 

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