Charlie Mayfield from John Lewis on the role of business in the wellbeing of community

Ely Cathedral Business Group presents a 'Celebration of Business' evening reception with keynote addresses from Charlie Mayfield, Chairman of John Lewis Partnership, and Rt Rev Stephen Conway, Bishop of Ely.

For further information, and to book your (FREE) attendance online, please visit:


Celebration of Business - Thursday 31st May 18.00 - Ely Cathedral
There are still a few places available to attend the Celebration of Business Reception, to enjoy a glass of wine and...
  • Exhibition of 150 businesses, large and small, representing many different sectors and from across the region 
  • Keynote addresses from:
  • Charlie Mayfield, Chairman of John Lewis Partnership, Chairman of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills:  "Health, Wealth and Happiness - where does it come from?  Exploring the role played by business in the wellbeing of communities" 
  • Rt Rev Stephen Conway, Bishop of Ely:  "Church, Capitalism & Community - conflict or cooperation

Ely Cathedral Business Group believes that there is a strong correlation between the health of the business sector and the wellbeing of the communities in which those businesses operate.  Our purpose is to explore this relationship and strengthen it.  We want to help businesses succeed and, thereby, make our communities stronger. ________________________________________

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