Daniel Zeichner MP hosts Cambridge Brain event in Parliament

Cambridge MP Daniel Zeichner will host teachers, academics, researchers and education policy officers in Parliament to conclude ‘the Educated Brain‘ seminar series, looking at bringing education policy together with neuroscience.

This event comes at the end of a programme of work based in Cambridge and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, considering what recommendations can be brought forward for education policy when considering neuroscience. Speakers Paul Ramchandani, Dr Duncan Astle and Dr Kirstie Whitaker will present at the event.


Daniel Zeichner says:  "It is a real pleasure to be hosting such an exciting event here in the Houses of Parliament, looking at evidence-based policy making and bringing together individuals from across the science and education sectors.


"It has never been more important that we get education policy right, and an evidence-based approach is key to this. I’m excited to hear the outcomes of this research, from Cambridge experts who are passionate about education."

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