Find your next job at Cambridge Network’s Virtual Jobs & Careers Fair – still time to sign up

Calling all jobseekers! Don't miss Cambridge Network's Virtual Jobs & Careers Fair taking place on Friday 16th September 2022.

careers fair

This FREE online event (from 11am to 4pm allows you to dip in and out as you wish) and will include the latest jobs, company presentations and careers advice, designed to assist you with your job search. 

Inivata  will be headlining, take a look at their live roles here

Also on the day Bay Tree VA will be talking through the Virtual PA, Executive Assistant and bookkeeping services they provide.

SiFive - leader of RISC-V computing are expanding global operations and opening up a R&D Centre in Cambridge. Join the Virtual Fair to hear more about this company.

Sartorius - The fastest growing global life science companies based near Cambridge are hiring. Hear more from their Talent Acquisition team and the vacancies they currently have on the day.

For the careers section of the day we are thrilled to welcome Rosa Dos Santos, Managing Director of Exact Sourcing talking about the jobs market and how to make the best out of your applications. 

Book your place here 

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