The greatest compliment

Simon Hall writes...Is your boss paying you the greatest compliment, however strange it may seem? If not, then perhaps this is what you should work towards…

Team handshake

I used to rage about this, until I came to realise what an accolade it was.

In my BBC days, it drove me mad.

Ever since then, no matter who I’ve worked for, I’ve still found it somewhat puzzling.

But I’ve come to understand it’s probably the greatest compliment you can be paid in working life.


What is it?

However strange it may sound, the answer is…

Being left to get on with your job.


I find it odd because I think there should be at least a little communication from higher beings in an organisation.

But, in fairness, I’ve been a manager, both at the BBC, and still to this day.

And one thing I know for sure:

You have plenty of problems to keep you very busy.


Many troubles for a boss, however sad to say, come from the people you’re managing.

In my BBC days, some could hardly be left to drive themselves to a destination, let alone actually put together a news story.

And before you think that’s an exaggeration, no.

It’s based on a real experience of a “journalist” who couldn’t actually find the HQ of a major organisation, despite it being on a main road only 45 minutes’ drive away from our studios.



These days, happily, life is much better.

I largely get to choose the people I work with, which means I choose very carefully…

And they don’t let me down.

Which is why I choose them, of course.


They often say they appreciate my management, because it’s light touch.

We have a chat about what needs to be done and I let them get on with it.

I can relax because I trust them to deliver, and to the very highest standards.

I chip in if asked, or just occasionally check all is well, to make sure they know they're supported, but otherwise stand back.


From my perspective, I have plenty of other issues to deal with.

So a team who don’t need continual supervision – unlike that journalist who couldn’t find the simplest of destinations – are wonderful to work with.


I’ll make sure to talk to them after a job, to discuss how it went, what we can learn, and happily…

Thank and praise them for their terrific work.

That’s an important, but sadly far too often overlooked part of management, in my view. 


Which brings us back to the point of this blog, and the greatest compliment you can be paid by your boss. 

Yes, it’s lovely to be told you’re doing well.

But actually, that’s not the most telling verdict on your efforts, and how you’re thought of.

Instead, this is what you should feel good about:


If you’re being left to get on with the job, it means you’re being trusted, respected and appreciated…

And that’s the greatest accolade of all. 

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