Have a heart – learn CPR, says MP

In advance of World Heart Day, Daniel Zeichner, Member of Parliament for Cambridge, tried out RevivR, a new CPR training tool, at a British Heart Foundation (BHF) shop in Cambridge on Friday 20 September to highlight the charity's vital work in combating heart and circulatory diseases.

Daniel Zeichner at a BHF

As part of the training, which typically takes 10-15 minutes and runs through how to recognise and respond to a cardiac arrest, Mr Zeichner will practise chest compressions, receive feedback, and learn the correct steps of defibrillator use. To complete the RevivR training, all that is required is a mobile phone or tablet and something to practise chest compressions on, such as a cushion or coat stuffed in a backpack. External trainers and specialist equipment are not required, which makes this training tool widely accessible.

The BHF is the UK’s largest independent funder of research into heart disease, currently backing £430 million worth of life-saving studies including £36 million of new research grants in Cambridge. Since its establishment in 1961, the BHF has played a crucial role in halving the UK's annual death rate from heart and circulatory diseases. Despite this progress, 7.6 million people in the UK are still living with these conditions, which cause 170,000 deaths each year.

Key initiatives promoted by BHF include The Circuit, a defibrillator registry that helps emergency services locate life-saving devices, and Classroom RevivR, an interactive CPR teaching tool for students aged 11-16, ensuring that young people learn these essential skills.

Daniel Zeichner MP commented, "I’m delighted that The British Heart Foundation have developed a tool which will empower people with the confidence and skills to save a life during a medical emergency. BHF’s impact is enormous and I’m proud to support their efforts, particularly here in Cambridge, where their funding is making a real difference."

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