Generally speaking in a flat economy, Sales require more effort. You have to get past the traditional way of an initial meeting - coffee and taking notes, to understand the client’s requirement. You have to speed up the Sales process.
Because Sales have a longer purchasing cycle as many client organisations add extra layers to the purchasing process, involving more people in the decision. Added to this, many prefer to work with existing providers, but negotiate tougher deals. So they combine a better deal with the knowledge that their provider has the track record to deliver.
All this adds up to a tougher and more demanding job for Sales people. They need to be resilient, more resourceful and appear more professional to win through in this environment.
So when margins are slim and the buying cycle more demanding and longer, just how can you reduce costs whilst adding value during the Sales process?
One way is to use the power of modern technology through Web conferencing. At a stroke this reduces travelling costs and the time associated with getting from A to B.
It also enable presentations to multiple buyers and influencers within the Sales chain in a manner that puts across the message in a professional way; creating a positive first impression because it can be specifically tailored to each prospect, qualifying them as part of the initial process.
The main Sales benefits of using web conferencing are:
- Creates a live demo, targeted to meet the prospect’s needs
- Has no associated travelling costs
- Increases the efficiency of the qualification process
- Engaging as it is very visual
- Ideal approach to meet ‘Upselling’ and ‘Cross selling’ requirements
- Flexible and more adaptable than a face to face presentation
Today’s web conferencing morphs a Sales call into a presentation into an engaging and professional communication. When you want to expand productivity, sell into new geographical territories and minimise Sales’ staff travelling time and expense, it can become one of the most powerful Sales tools available.
Jonathan Wainwright enables organisations to create commercial success through digital marketing, traditional communications and team development.
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