John Hicks Co Ltd to train managers on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus

July 2023 marks the start of a collaboration between clients on The Cambridge Biomedical Campus and John Hicks Co Ltd as they seek to prepare individuals for new careers in management.

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John Hicks Co Ltd is pleased to announce a collaboration with clients on The Cambridge Biomedical Campus providing management training to new managers and team leaders within the NHS.

John Hicks, an experienced management trainer working within the science sector will deliver in house training programmes to support the development of new managers and team leaders who are working in the NHS.

John Hicks said this about the collaboration, "Having delivered management training to many clients within the science sector over many years, nationally and internationally, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to support new managers within the NHS. I am intensely focused on empowering my clients to deliver a huge positive impact within their organisations as they seek to lead their colleagues." 

For more information please contact John Hicks via his website -

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