Johnson Matthey Plc announces that Stephen Oxley, Chief Financial Officer, has advised the board that he has decided to leave the Company in 2025 to pursue another opportunity. Stephen will continue with his existing responsibilities and will step down from the board byno later than 31st March 2025.
The Board has commenced a process to identify a successor to Stephen and an appointment will be announced in due course.
Patrick Thomas, Chair of JM said: “Johnson Matthey has a clear strategy and has made strong progress in the past two years in transforming JM into a high performing company focused on catalysing the net zero transition. On behalf of Johnson Matthey, I’d like to thank Stephen for his valuable contribution and wish him success for the future. Stephen will work with the board and leadership team to ensure a smooth transition whilst we undertake a thorough search to identify a successor.”
Johnson Matthey highlights directorate change
1 July 2024