These include: What the industry requires now is a ‘kick start’ of rapid regulatory turnaround for the common good, rapid occupation of the spectrum, and deployment of machine-to-machine white space standards and technology to demonstrate use cases.
Ofcom CEO, Ed Richards, outlined his views on white space in an EU Policy debate in Brussels on 7th March entitled ‘Towards an EU policy for dynamic spectrum access’. The conference was marked by unusually senior attendance from a number of players including the FCC in the US and in particular Ofcom.
In his speech, described by the conference chair as a “call to arms”, Ed Richards clearly stated that white space is now a priority for Ofcom. He pointed towards the importance of moving regulation to a point where companies can occupy the spectrum as a means of demonstrating the worth of dynamic spectrum access, and of propelling the industry forwards.
“Regulators and policy-makers now have to establish a clear shift towards dynamic spectrum access, promoting the huge potential for innovation to which markets can respond…”, Richards claimed. “It is time to make progress on these issues. It is now up to regulators and policy makers to provide the means to unleash the innovative potential of dynamic spectrum access...”
Mr Richards also highlighted M2M communications as one of the prime and innovative uses of the spectrum, noting the need for wireless collection of data from sensors, (for example from gas, water and electricity meters).
Weightless is the leading standard for M2M communications in white space, providing the innovation that regulators are looking to stimulate, and rapidly gathering in momentum as it signs additional members. Weightless expects to see white space M2M standards and network infrastructure in place by 2013, if not the end of 2012.
M2M standards body Weightless’ CEO William Webb was quick to note the significance of Ed Richards’ speech.
“What we have here is an enormous rallying cry; the most prominent member of one of the world’s most prominent telco regulatory bodies saying ‘We need what white space has to offer, and we need it now. Let’s get moving’. It’s strongly encouraging to see Ofcom throwing such weight behind white space, and emphasising its importance.
“What’s more, Mr Richards clearly recognises the primacy of machine-to-machine comms as a driver for this space as a technology area of potentially huge societal and economic benefit. He also noted that the US has led the way in enabling access to white space. In fact, I confidently think we can overtake the US, and encourage a bit of healthy competition.
“Weightless has been a strong supporter of the US’ white space development and now that the UK regulator has taken such a positive step forward, we will see rapid progress on both sides of the Atlantic helping to encourage/stimulate wider adoption of standardised M2M communications over white space spectrum.
“Weightless, together with other organisations interested in driving white space forward, has committed to a roadmap of network rollout and Weightless standard deployment by 2013.”
The substance of Ed Richard’s speech can be seen at
For further information on Weightless, or to join as a member and help to develop the Weightless M2M standard, please visit
About Weightless
Weightless, based in Cambridge, UK, is the world’s leading white space M2M standards body.
Machine communications, often termed M2M, has long been forecast to be a sector with massive growth. recent forecasts of 50 billion connected devices by 2020 from cars to sensors to traffic lights to healthcare applications and much more.
Weightless’ central mission is to co-ordinate industry players to foster the development of a new and revolutionary communications standard (called Weightless) to enable efficient machine-to-machine communications in white space.
Weightless is currently signing up members, and has strong traction from a wide variety of industry players.
Weightless will undertake its first Plenary Session for members on 8th -9th May 2012 in Cambridge.
Further details can be viewed at
Editorial contact:
Alex Perryman
(+44) 208 408 8000
‘Let’s now kickstart deployment’, agrees white space standards body
3 April 2012
Weightless, the body behind the industry-leading Weightless machine-to-machine communications standard for white space spectrum, today announces its vocal support for a series of recent Ofcom sentiments.