Malaria numbers increase- more news from The Travel Clinic

'The Lancet' recently published research showing that the incidence of malaria may be twice as high as previous estimates.

 WHO estimated 655,000 people died from malaria in 2010, while research using new computer modelling and data from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation suggests 1.24 million deaths occurred.

 It is thought that deaths worldwide rose from 995,000 in 1980 to 1.82 million in 2004, then fell to 1.24 million in 2010.

The increase in 2004 is thought to be due to population increase, and the decline since then is due to the increase in  donor support for controlling mosquitoes, such as mosquito nets and control of breeding sites

The Travel Clinic Ltd,, Cambridge and Ipswich, focuses on protection against mosquito bites, as well as suitable antil malarial tablets and the necessity of using clothing spray, sleeping under nets,  or having very cold air conditioning to deter mosquitos. These are all useful strategies to help prevent malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever.


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