Method launches Local Enterprise Partnership website

Method Creative is proud to launch a fresh new website for the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership, also known as the LEP.

Method Creative is proud to launch a fresh new website for the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership, also known as the LEP. Consultation on how to best represent the LEP digitally took place over a number of months before Method won the contract to complete the project in early 2012. The company also assisted with strategically aligning the brand’s logo and messaging with the new website and corporate materials.

The LEP is a government-run scheme aimed at driving the local economy in the LEP regions of Oakham, Peterborough, Kings Lynn, Wisbech, Ely, Huntingdon, Alconbury, Cambridge, Cambourne, Bury St. Edmunds, Newmarket, Royston and Stansted. Special focus has been placed on helping to drive forward sustainable economic growth in these areas with local business, education providers, the third and public sectors working together to achieve this. The LEP areas are prime for growth and the population of these areas combined is set to rise to 1.5 million by 2031.

Method helped give the LEP a stronger and more defined identity by using visual representations of trees encompassing cogs to enforce the message that the LEP is centered around strategic thinking, redevelopment and the economy. An interactive map of the LEP regions was also created to allow its audience to engage with the initiative. Each region is humanised by an overview of the area and bolstered with a case study of a regional business that has used the resources in the area to grow and drive the local economy.

Method fought off tough competition from some of Cambridgeshire’s most prestigious agencies to complete the work and had a clear vision from the beginning about what the website’s function should be. Brand & strategy director Kirsten Corrigan said the project was an exciting string to add to Method’s bow. “It was a significant milestone to be asked to work alongside the LEP to contribute to such an important local-economy driven project,” she said. “We felt that focusing on highlighting the businesses already thriving in the 13 LEP areas brought the project to life,” she concluded.

Laura Welham-Halstead, communications lead for the LEP, said that Method’s advice branched over a number of platforms. “After selecting Method to work with us on our new website, we soon realised they had much more to offer us. Their careful polishing of our brand identity has moved it onto another level so it can now be used across our banners, brochures and new website,” she said.


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