Located near the station, Fifty & Sixty Station Road will be some of the first buildings visitors to Cambridge will see. The proposals, which have been designed by architects Grimshaw, include two new Grade A BREEAM excellent office buildings linked at the ground floor by a retail pavilion. Together they will provide net internal areas of around 131,000 sq ft of new offices with another 3,000 sq ft of retail at ground floor.
The site is a key element of the CB1 masterplan which will provide around 1.6 million sq ft of new and refurbished homes, offices, shops and student accommodation built around a radically improved public transport interchange at the heart of the city and new public spaces. The vision is for a new city quarter in Cambridge that will provide a gateway into the city as well as attracting jobs and investment to the area.
With work nearly complete on the new three student buildings that will provide more than 500 en-suite bedrooms and building works are ongoing for landmark tenant Microsoft Research, significant progress on delivering CB1 has already been made.
Commenting on the application, Sven Topel, Chief Executive of Brookgate, said: “Fifty & Sixty Station Road are some of the first buildings visitors will see when they arrive at Cambridge Rail Station. Working with the Council, we have taken a fresh look at the external design aspects and we believe the buildings will strengthen Cambridge’s position as a leading UK office location to serve the top flight businesses that the City creates.
“With the Anglia Ruskin University buildings almost complete and work well underway for Microsoft Research, this is an exciting time for the CB1 project. Achieving planning permission for Fifty & Sixty Station Road will be an important milestone for the site and take us closer to achieving the vision of a new city quarter.”
Brookgate is a property development and investment company based in Cambridge which specialises in high-quality mixed-use schemes. The company’s mission is to deliver high-quality, modern and sustainable developments that demonstrate social and environmental responsibility.
Alexandra Tucker, FTI Consulting: 020 7269 9305
Sebastian Hanley, FTI Consulting: 020 7269 9537