Qi3 Accelerator launches High Value Manufacturing Bootcamp

Qi3 Accelerator’s HVM Bootcamp is the UK’s first Accelerator Programme to target the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) sector. The three-day residential programme will help accelerate capital-intensive HVM entrepreneurial ventures to investment and early revenues.

Leaders and mentors are experienced professionals from the HVM sector and are passionate about accelerating business ventures.

Applications are open for the Cambridge HVM Bootcamp taking place in July.  Qi3 says: "We are looking for entrepreneurial teams who will benefit from our combination of mentoring, networking and expert discussions with key stakeholders from the HVM sector. Successful applicants will benefit from Qi3 Accelerator’s objective evaluation of the business proposition, identification of major gaps and remedial actions, a strengthened business and investment proposition and an expanded network of potential customers and investors."

The application process is open to UK based teams until the 4th of May, 2012.  To apply, please click here.

The programme is a partnership between Qi3 Accelerator and ideaSpace Enterprise Accelerator. It is sponsored by Williams Powell, Harrison Clark, Synergy Energy and Wren Capital and supported by the Technology Strategy Board and NESTA.

Qi3 Accelerator (www.qi3.co.uk/accelerator) and ideaSpace (www.ideaspace.cam.ac.uk) use High Value Manufacturing as a broad, inclusive term for technology opportunities outside the biotech and internet spaces. It is a broad description to include our investment interests of cleantech, security, healthcare technology, instrumentation, printing and other industries. Technology bases may include sensing, photonics, electronics, materials, manufacturing, engineering and associated software.



Further Qi3 Accelerator Bootcamp information is available on our website.

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