RSP Safety Services helps you look after your staff

RSP Safety Services welcomes Mark Cardwell onto the team, offering technical support and advice complementing our health and safety consultancy, advisory services and training. Along with RSP Safety Services expansion into Environmental and Quality support with Helen Cullen, Ray Smith, Director, says "he is pleased to offer such a wide service, continuing our philosophy of providing the best quality service for clients."

Since Mark became a health and safety consultant he has covered a variety of situations including  succesfully investigating health and safety accidents.

Mark has chaired numerous Health and Safety Committee meetings and delivered Hands on Health and Safety Training for a variety of subjects.

He has developed an in house Health and Safety management system, taking in to account environmental aspects and also developed a successful system to flag-up the instantaneous status of clients

Mark Cardwell has worked with various food companies, creating HACCP files (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points), these are processes that help look at how food is handled and introduces procedures to making sure the food produced is safe to eat.

Mark has been instrumental with the implementation of ISO 9001 with clients and says he enjoys solving client problems and tackling ongoing issues proactively.


To speak to Mark directly, please contact him at:

RSP Safety Services, Archdeaconry House, Gravel Walk, Peterborough, PE1 1YU 

Or telephone him on 01733 807779

Or email him at 

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