How do you empower your teams? New cohort on Trust Works programme now open for registration
Are you wondering how to provide more autonomy to your teams and empower your workforce? And how this leads to improved results and better staff engagement? Then join Trust Works' Moving Towards Self-Management programme, the next cohort of which starts in November.
Moving towards self-management - 2022 programme registration opens
Have you been intrigued by Netflix, Spotify or Patagonia, and wonder how these successful organisations manage to stay as nimble as a start-up? Then explore the concept of self-management in Trust Works' six-session programme, starting in 2022.
Join 'Reinventing Work Cambridge', a group about reinventing how we work
Have you wondered how work could be organised differently, how you can promote remote working and still have a sense of togetherness, how high quality standards and performance levels are achieved without overbearing managerial control?
How hard can it be?
Why do we keep getting seduced by big bold ideas? Because we are experts at seeing the world as simpler than it really is. Read Trust Work's latest blog on the implications of this human trait.
How to create amazing, human-centric organisations
Some arrive at the concept of self-management from the desire to improve the service they provide or the product they deliver. Others see it as the key to making work more fun.