Finding a good, ethical Musculoskeletal Health Professional
Finding a good, ethical Musculoskeletal Health Professional should be easy, right? Unfortunately, the musculoskeletal health and wellness field can be rather hit and miss, and there are plenty of bad operators out there.
Resilience in the face of adversity, uncertainty and the Covid-19 situation
The term resilience tends to be used to describe our physical and physiological capacity to cope with stressful situations. In times of crisis and prolonged stress, our resilience capacities can reach their limits.
Coronavirus (Covid-19): Home-working computer setup survival guide
A minority of the working population may understand the challenges of home-working, though that will be in normal circumstances. However, the current Coronavirus Covid-19 situation creates additional challenges and stresses.
Neck pain - A Myotherapist's perspective on causes, treatment, self-help
A brief article about Neck Pain, with information about possible causes, self-help strategies and treatment options.
Back pain - a Myotherapist's perspective, causes, treatment
Back pain is something that can affect virtually anybody and not just office workers. There are many potential causes and many treatment options. The following article explores this topic in much more detail.
New Year's resolutions, injury prevention - a Myotherapist's perspective
Although many fitness activities are indisputably good for overall health and wellbeing, injuries can occur.
Stress: the individual, wellbeing, performance and the workplace (Part 3)
Effective measures can be taken to help reduce the adverse effects of stress, including building resilence.
Stress: the individual, wellbeing, performance and the workplace (Part 2)
The effects of sustained and intolerable long-term "Stress" on performance and wellbeing.
Stress: the individual, wellbeing, performance and the workplace (Part 1)
Stress is frequently thought of as a negative in terms of health and wellbeing, and yet it can also have a very positive impact. Tolerable stress can improve health, performance and wellbeing. Understanding how the human body deals with perceived stressors not only helps in the management of stress but also performance.