Why are ideas for projects being asked for?
The Cambridge Future City project has been funded by the Technology Strategy Board to complete a feasibility study for Cambridge as a ‘Future City Demonstrator’. Cambridge has succeeded with 29 other cities in a first round competition and is now competing to become the single UK demonstrator city with a prize worth £25 million.
More: http://www.innovateuk.org/content/competition/future-cities-demonstrator.ashx
The Cambridge Future City study is led by Cambridgeshire County Council with support from:
- Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire Councils.
- Cambridge Network
- Cambridge Wireless
- Civic and business communities
- ICT, cleantech, engineering, architecture, digital and life sciences networks
- Our universities
David Cleevely and other individuals continue the involvement they have had with supporting the Councils in getting superfast broadband for Cambridge, bidding for additional funding for the region.
Cambridge is really starting to collaborate, so do get involved if you can help.
What kinds of projects?
Cambridge Future City focuses on improving transportation, resource management, transparency and digital engagement across the urban area.
Key challenges to prosperity and quality of life in and around Cambridge are business growth and connectivity, housing, transport, water and energy.
Your ideas
If you have ideas, please share them with the Cambridge Future City Collaboration team before 30 October 2012 – the bid is on a fast track so quick submissions would be even better!
Ideas need not be fully developed and any demonstration projects may ultimately combine several ideas. Ideas which may not be possible to implement immediately may still be of interest for planning for the long term.
How should you send your idea?
Please sent an email to either liz.stevenson@cambridgeshire.gov.uk or claire.ruskin@cambridgenetwork.co.uk
Thank you for sharing your ideas.
Cambridge Future City