ViewRanger adds a social dimension to share routes

For many people, one of the best parts of going out on a trip or an adventure is sharing the experience with friends afterwards. ViewRanger, the leading outdoor activities GPS app, already allows you to record a track of your trip and add photos, videos and tweets which can be uploaded onto Facebook and twitter later. Recognising the trend towards doing more from your smartphone, ViewRanger have now introduced a social feature which allows you to share your adventures directly from the app.

Craig Wareham,ViewRanger’s CEO and Co-founder says: “Sharing your adventures is a big part of outdoor recreation and we are finding that for a growing number of users, ViewRanger not only provides GPS navigation to enhance their outdoor interests, but also a way to connect and share their passion with friends and other like-minded people.”

While ViewRanger can still be used as a standalone app for its sophisticated mapping and GPS functionality, the new feature means that ViewRanger provides a complete solution for trip planning, GPS route navigation, track & stats recording and now, sharing experiences with friends and other ViewRanger users.

After any outing, you can now combine together and view the recorded path of your adventure with any photos you took or twitter messages you sent along the way. This makes a comprehensive trip album ready to share with other app users or alternatively on Facebook or twitter, all directly from your smartphone.

The feature will allow walking groups to share trails with members, gap year students to update friends at home with tales of their adventures, wildlife enthusiasts to easily compare and record sightings of different species and supporters of fundraisers and race participants to share in their exhausting journeys.


“The ability to share experiences is already a key feature of ViewRanger, but this new initiative brings with it immediacy; and now it will be possible to do this entirely within the app, without the need for a PC,” says Craig Wareham.


And you can do the same for other people’s routes and tracks, so that you can:


  • See what routes other walkers, climbers and cyclists recommend in the area.
  • Add people to “favourites” so you can always see their latest adventures.
  • Find the published routes and tracks of your friends and view any attached photos that they have uploaded.
  • Find expert trail authors from your smartphone and easily download their routes to go out and explore.

The ViewRanger app (Apple, Android, Symbian) is free to download and comes with global open sourced map layers, that can be stored for offline use. It’s free to create an account and sign-in on to create and share your own routes and recorded tracks. The new features can be found on the app within the ViewRanger Store section.


About ViewRanger GPS

ViewRanger GPS is the award winning mobile phone application, which delivers GPS navigation, mapping and location-based content to outdoors enthusiasts worldwide. Used in over 150 countries, ViewRanger has topped the app navigation charts in markets across Europe, Africa and Asia.


A testament to ViewRanger's accuracy and reliability is that it is also extensively used and trusted by Search and Rescue teams in UK & Ireland.



Media contacts


Nina Beadle/ Rachel Holdsworth, PR consultants, Holdsworth Associates, Tel: 01954 202789, email:,


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