Health Innovation East may have a new name, but its people and purpose remain the same. The organisation upholds the belief that great ideas only make a difference for our health when they are put into practice. The organisation continues to work with Cambridge Network and other partners to ensure that the best innovations in health and care reach the people, places and problems where they deliver the most benefit.
As Piers Ricketts, Health Innovation East’s chief executive says: “We will continue to work closely with our friends and partners in the NHS, the region’s six universities and with the extraordinary variety of life science and tech companies across the East. Under our new name, we will continue to build our impact with a focus on fostering a culture of innovation and tackling health inequalities to address the needs of our region”.
The Health Innovation Network has benefitted more than 2.3 million patients and generated more than £1.8 billion of investment for the UK economy since 2018.