Who are you talking to?

Tailoring the language you use in marketing materials to the target audience can be a real challenge for scientific or technical experts.

Jan Le Miere, technical writer at kdm communications,  writes:

Many of these individuals have spent their entire careers developing an in-depth knowledge of one subject or application and, when you know a topic so intimately, it can be very difficult to take a step back and explain things in terms your intended audience will understand.

A good scientific and technical marketing agency can help with this, working closely with your in­house experts to extract the relevant information, identifying the key points that the audience needs to be aware of. Here at kdm, we often ask a product or marketing manager for three simple reasons why a customer should be interested in this product or service. You’d be amazed how long it can take to answer that simple question when you can’t see the wood for the trees.

#scientificmarketingagency #lifesciencemarketing #scientificpr

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