Cambridge Network's Executive Director comments on GCP Making Connections 2022 proposal

Claire Ruskin

The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) is asking people to have their say on proposals to transform how people travel in and around Cambridge. Cambridge Network's Executive Director – Claire Ruskin shares her personal view on the proposals.

Claire Ruskin writes:

We can’t stop the growth, so how can we cope with it? 

Cars are filling the roads, so the buses are not working; people are struggling to get into school and jobs.  We need to do something different, but there will be protests about anything that means change. 

How would you get 100,000 people to their daily destinations and home again?  Please think about it and fill in the consultation below. 

Protesting against ideas isn’t enough – would you build homes closer in, ban cars, give everyone access to a car to let them use freely, what would you do? 

The UK needs Cambridge and we need to be able to get through the traffic.  There is no perfect solution that I can think of, but I want to help save the planet and I don’t want gridlock! 

Please go to , look at what is being suggested (not the wild rumours) and help think it through.

You can complete the survey online or contact the GCP by post, phone, email or social media until midday Friday 23rd December.

More information on what is proposed can be found HERE