Outside the box: scale up your ambitions with a Guardtech Cleanrooms modular
The Guardtech Group’s modular champions are offering flexible solutions that grow and adapt alongside their clients’ aspirations. ...
Cam AI is offering free CBT sessions for 18-24 years olds
Cam AI writes... Suffering with anxiety and struggling to get support? Cam AI, a mental health startup, is offering volunteers free Cognitive Behavioural Therapy sessions for anxiety with our accredited therapists*. Our team is currently conducting data collection and research to buil...
Are your vending and coffee machines full, clean and working?
Are your coffee machines and vending machines FULL, are they sparkling CLEAN and WORKING as they should? Sounds like a silly question but so many companies are putting up with empty and dirty vending machines that sit broken and empty for days or weeks. ...
Introduction to Drug Development – From Candidate Selection to Patients in Healthcare
Audience Those who want to understand what is done to bring new treatments to patients, and/or better operate with the language of internal customers. Typically people in non life-science technical roles in our sector – IT, Finance, HR and Admin staff. Also helpful for e...
ENVISICS; the Star of Holographic Technology; a Fireside chat with Cambridge Future Tech
A fireside chat with Dr Jamieson Christmas (Founder & CEO of Envisics) and Cambridge Future Tech, the DeepTech venture builder in Cambridge. ...
New event launches - Achieving Net Zero: a toolkit for businesses
Join us for an event on November 8 at St John's Innovation Centre that will help your business achieve its Net Zero ambitions. ...
60 Seconds with Darren Chapman from CyberScale
Darren Chapman writes...Hello Cambridge Network, it is nice to e-meet you all, I look forward to meeting you all at upcoming events and if there is anything of interest to you on our portal, please do get in touch, I would love to get to know you and give you more insight into how we su...
BioNow's 2023 Oncology & Precision Medicine Conference
Following the success of 2022’s events, the Oncology Conference and the Precision Medicine Conference is BACK and running on two consecutive days. Join Bionow, expert speakers and industry colleagues to discuss the current oncology landscape on day one and the future...
Understand the ebbs and flows of change and you’ll be a better leader
Twist Consultants change is ever the same, whatever the organisation. When you’re leading through uncertainty, recognising that there are ebbs and flows and how you might be able to navigate them can help. Here are a few ideas that might just help. ...
EU & UK Collaborative Funding Opportunities Webinar and Brokerage: An Innovative Journey with TWIIN
This webinar will update you on the much-anticipated status of the UK vis-à-vis the European Union (EU)’s Horizon Europe programme, and cover upcoming funding opportunities available from the EC and Innovate UK (IUK). ...