Are you going through a career slump?

If you were to score out of 10 how excited and motivated you feel about your work (and career) what number would you give it? If you score it 8, 9 or 10, give yourself a big pat on the back - you are really fortunate! If you give it a 6 -7 out of 10, there is room for improvement... Anything less than 6 needs serious action!

Many standing on the top of a mountain next to the words Rising above the Career Slump

Career Management Coach Katherine Wiid at Career Ambitions advises:

In the last few weeks, several people I have spoken to have been scoring their careers in the 0 - 5 range. They say:-

  • My career and work is making me miserable
  • I need a change but don’t know what I want. I just can't keep doing what I'm doing ...
  • I don't feel I am getting paid what I am worth and don't feel valued.

You might be surprised to learn that my advice as a career management coach to all 3 has been the same. Before you start scouring the job pages and sending off a flurry of applications, take time to reconnect with yourself. Because we can’t separate ourselves from the work that we do. 

Our careers are deeply entwined with who we are: our sense of self, our emotions, our beliefs, values and personal lives. 
Ask yourself:  

  • What do you really want in your work? 
  • What do you need to do more of? And what do you need to do less of?
  • Who are you right now - and what’s driving you at this point in your career? 

This period of self-reflection is so important. It provides a strong foundation for making a positive change – rather than dashing headlong into something that pays the bills but may not lead to a happy and fulfilled career.

There is a tension between wanting (and needing) to get a job (or new career) versus taking time to first reassess what is right for you. It’s a balancing act - you can't do the one without the other.

When I shared my thoughts on the importance of self reflection on a recent post, a LinkedIn connection who is in the thick of his job search agreed ...

With financial (and societal) pressure to get that next role as quickly as possible, it can feel as if it’s impossible to justify taking time out for self-reflection – it’s too self indulgent. However doing so can save so much time (and heartache) later on!

I find when sitting as a lay panel member on recruitment interviews, that a candidate with self-awareness stands out with their mature and focused approach. They are better able to demonstrate their skills and strengths and how they will add value than a candidate who is unaware and blindly applying for anything that pays the bills.

So if you are in a career slump, taking time to re-evaluate where you are and what you want to be next, pays massive dividends longer term. 

I hope these tips and reflections help you take positive steps to reconnecting with who you are and where you want to be in your career. If you need help and guidance on how to get there, please get in touch with me. I’m here to help...

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