Carbon Orange launches fresh zingy new website

Carbon Orange has launched its new website.

Laptop showing Carbon Orange website homepage with text Design for lasting freshness

The team says:

With huge thanks to the marvellous Susie Hinchliffe, our new site has just gone live. We hope you'll have a nose around and like what you see. And if you do, tell a friend!

So what's new?

Besides a fresh, zesty new look, you'll find some of our more recent work. There are new brands, digital, print, and illustration, for clients in tech, property, education, leadership coaching, and retail.

We've had some fun with the About Us page – pop along and have a play!

And that's not all...

Introducing a new series of articles titled 'Logo is to brand as tip is to iceberg' featuring interviews with experts in the various stages of building a brand. You can read the introduction piece here, and the first interview with Paul Lewis, who inspired the whole idea, here. Paul shared his thoughts on STRATEGY and there will be more interviews to follow on STYLESTORY, and SITUATION and all the many elements thereof!

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