Carbon Orange launches Visual Notes service for graphic recording and sketchnoting

Ramp up your social media engagement, make a splash on your marcomms materials or company presentations, or liven up your annual report with the new Visual Notes service from Carbon Orange.

Carbon Orange writes:

With our experience in creative problem-solving using our illustration and design skills, we help companies communicate through visuals, helping translate conversations in real-time for conferences, meetings and workshops on a large scale (Graphic recording) or small scale (Sketchnoting).

The possibilities are endless!

We create engaging, inspiring and original content that you can share and reuse across a wide range of platforms.

Ramp up your social media engagement, make a splash on your marcomms materials or company presentations, liven up your annual report – you could even let us loose on your office walls! If it’s a live event we’re capturing, audiences and participants love seeing and sharing the visual notes. They feel more involved, and learn and remember more than with regular notes. We can even repurpose the visuals for you to give as printed gifts for your speakers! Our mission is simple, we want to create memorable images that engage and excite your audience.

To find out more, drop us a line at

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